Need to place a loved one in aged care? Decisions can be an emotional experience - and that's before the additional stress associated with costs of funding the aged care and the complexity of the social security system. So it pays to get well rounded advice. The key is to plan ahead as your loved one's circumstances can change quickly.

Regardless of the aged care you or your loved ones decide on, the high costs and complex financing options for retirement and aged care facilities mean many issues need careful planning.

First Avenue Wealth offer you:
  • A tailored service - we take the time to get to know you and your loved one
  • Undertake a financial assessment - explain likely fees and charges
  • Complete all paperwork - including Centrelink forms and facility admission
  • Find the right home - taking into account your care needs and financial situation
  • Negotiate all fees - saving you thousands

    Your peace of mind is our goal. We take into consideration the impact upon your financial situation, age pension entitlement and aged care costs. Making the wrong decision could result in a loss of age pension, increased aged care costs and a reduced estate to be passed on to the next generation.
  • We can help you achieve peace of mind

    Contact us to discuss your specific situation and individual circumstances.

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